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What is One Day School?

A One Day School is an educational programme or learning space that your child attends for
one day a week, whilst still attending their regular school or home-based education. This "one day" model is growing around NZ and falls within the guidelines of the Ministry of Education. 

One Day Schools have a specific focus or purpose and offer specialised, child-centred support that addresses the current educational needs for individual children, their families and communities.

Our focus for Wild School is to nurture Wonder & Wellness through nature.


Check out our Philosophy and Programme here!



One Day Wild School

The below information is a brief outline of our weekly Wild School programme which operates during term time from various locations. For more detailed information we have created a "Useful Information" document for you to download and read as you wish. If you have further questions, please email or contact Sarah on 021 160 6112


Our Daily Flow

Our Wonder & Wellness programme is play-based, child-led and no pressure.
Our experienced educators observe, notice and respond to learning in the moment,
sharing their knowledge, experience and encouragement to think, wonder, and develop
working theories. To complement spontaneous learning our educators plan group experiences that embrace the ever changing, seasonal learning environment. These experiences
promote collaboration & communication as we share and celebrate children as individuals.


A Typical Day

Leader safety sweeps selected play space & sets boundary (prior to children arriving)

Drop off/Greeting families

Morning Hui (meeting) - Welcome, Risk/Hazard Awareness, Goal Setting

Short hikoi (walk) to site

Free Play - Children get involved in enhancing wild space with additional resources (ropes, swings, ziplines, slackline, hammock, tools, crafts etc. 

Morning Kai (food) - Social chats & discussions about group interests.

Free Play/Discovery Time

Lunch - Reflection on the morning, sharing plans for the afternoon

Free Play/Creative Time

Group pack down - children help to pack away what we brought into the space

End of Day Hui (meeting) - Sharing our favourite experiences or learnings of the day while enjoying a warm fruit tea or a camp cooker made snack.

Return to pick up point

Meet with families, share about our days & farewell 





Our Wild Spaces

In the Whakatipu basin we are blessed with natural spaces that offer a kaleidoscope of learning opportunities waiting to be discovered. We aim to secure access to "wild spaces"
that have varying natural elements from forests and fields to mountains and rivers.
Each wild space has been carefully selected to suit the seasons, and have been thoroughly assessed for risks and learning benefits. As we use the land for learning, it is our duty to show respect and care for the land. To give these wild spaces opportunity to  rejuvenate and minimise our environmental footprints our Wild School sessions will change locations on occasion.



Term 2 2023

Wednesday Wild School - Frankton

Friday Wild School - Queenstown

Tuesday Wild Kindy - Frankton Scout Den



When is Wild School?

Wild School operates in Term time only, Enrolments are for a full term.

Children attend one day a week, instead of attending a normal school day.

Session times are 9am - 3pm.


Please click here to see our latest programmes




Wild School Fees

$75 per session - Fees charged Termly

Payment options available on request

Fees must be paid prior to daily programme commencement to secure your child’s place.


We are a local, independent, social enterprise entirely supported by local families and community and do not receive any Ministry of Education funding. All fees circle back into Wild School and keeping the vision alive and sustainable for years to come.



Whanau of Learners

Wild School embodies a whanau of learners approach, where we encourage all whanau to be involved in the running of our programme.  As we operate as a charity with our local community at heart,
we truly believe that experiences, learning and the benefits of Wild School are best embedded when shared with other whanau members. Therefore as part each child's enrolment into the Wild School programme, we require you or an adult family member to attend as a whanau kaiako (family teacher/guide), for 1 session per Term.

24 May 2022 (54).jpg

Release from School

As our programme operates during normal school hours, as an alternative education to the traditional school classroom, you are required to seek permission from your schools Principal or Board of Trustees. 


This process involves you getting in touch with your school Principal to let them know about your interest/intentions to enrol your child in Wild School. We recommend you explain why you want your child to attend and the benefits they will get from the programme in addition to School. 


We are not required to be registered under the Ministry of Education, we are a private charity working alongside schools in our region.  We don't require any signed documents from schools (your agreement with the Principal can be verbal).  The Principal is welcome to view our key documents, Health and Safety policy, and other policies on our website.


For more detailed information and useful links around the benefits of nature play click here.

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